Diario del País: Leslie Osterling presents her first photobook “Footprints, memory and time”

Published: 13.12.2019

The first photobook by plastic artist and photographer Leslie Osterling highlights the importance of family and lived experiences. It was during a Master Class of the Spanish photographer José María Mellado in which she participated, where she met the curator José María Díaz-Maroto, (review and criticism of work) who proposed directing her in the production of this book. The project took about a year between the compilation of the material, the selection of images and the writing of texts.

Footprints, memory and time is the crystallization of this work where he shows different stages of his life, a personal story interspersed with a chronology of affections. The images are intertwined based on the composition of shapes, planes, color and visual rhythm, with poetic texts of some songs that are related to the creative stage of the photobook. There is a kind of marriage between the visual and the selected music that complement the experience of reading and perceiving the content of this book. The work runs between landscapes, intimate portraits, natural spaces and urban landscape. But the photographs transcend the personal and connect with a sense of the ephemeral, of past glory and the decline of existence.

The result of this selection is more than a succession of well-ordered images with objective criteria. When making the composition, history, daily reporting, humanity, warmth and landscape have been pursued, but without falling into the exotic for exotic sake and the simply distant for being distant. Intimacy, family life, the personal, in short, that which is intuited but that we are not able to see on first reading is precisely represented in the work of Leslie Osterling. On many occasions, a double gaze arrangement is the most particular mechanism of a good photograph. A current vision of what is simulated, the refinement of the indeterminate and the naturalness of the ordinary, perpetually leads us to reflection” says José María Díaz-Maroto.

Osterling proposes listening to a playlist while looking at the book, which offers an additional sensation, an eclectic list of songs that combines performers as diverse as Marlene Dietrich, Andrés Calamaro, Katie Melna or Pablo Milanés. The verses “Everybodygotteheirreason / Everybodygotteheirway” from Catch and release by MattSimons, explain the selection criteria in an unbeatable way.